Decentralizing Healthcare;
Consumer-friendly Mobile Ultrasound
Client: Pons Tech | 2022-2023
Pons is a medical technology company leveraging AI-driven navigation, risk assessment, and patented imaging enhancement to provide remote/mobile ultrasound.
With its simple interface and AI-guided navigation, Pons empowers customers to conduct their own ultrasounds, thereby decentralising healthcare and reducing the load on overburdened hospitals. Especially useful for chronic conditions, Pons' doctor's interface aids in monitoring and assessing the risk of the condition.

Guided process
The interface is designed to guide patients through each step of the scan, while the integrated AI algorithm assists them with correct placement of the scanning device.
Contextual Monitoring
The pre-scan survey collected at each use, provides doctors with contextualised data to monitor development or chronic conditions.

Integrated Doctor's Interface
Within the same product, doctors can request new ultrasound scans and send reminders to patients.
Automated Risk Assessment
Pons' patented image enhancement autonomously performs a risk assessment that doctors can reference.

Design OpportunityBased on market analysis and mapping out a timeline of assault, I found that majority of products only address the time between when a threat becomes apparent and the (potential) attack. Current solutions also had their own reasons that made them less effective/popular. There was an opportunity to create a non-violent product that initiated a system to address multiple stages of the assault timeline, through the local community.
Look Book
Process HighlightsBackground and Problem Space: -Research -Interviews Understanding Context: -Interviews -Mapping -Documentaries -UN reports Ideation and Concept Generation: -Sketches -Prototypes -Probes -Analogous Objects Product Creation: -Material Investigation -Screen Printing -Flat Pattern -User testing Link to process book here (hyperlinked)
Key Takeaways1. Concept lives beyond the product: In designing for such a nuanced space, the concept requires as much (if not more) design than the product itself. In this particular case, the concept can be adapted into the local ecosystem (through local tailors, weavers, sewing shops, etc) even if the product is not available. 2. The user is also the designer: Ongoing re-design; users (communities) may create alternative or new meanings to the signalling modes, based on their personal needs and the needs of others in their community. 3. Social sustainability: By designing a product or concept that is capable of changing to meet current and future needs (through the user's ongoing re-design), the product becomes a living system that sustains itself.